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Views from the Pews & God Talk

Views from the Pews: Something to think about


Among the joys of belonging to a thoughtful worshipping community are the weekly opportunities to learn more about our faith – mainly from the clergy, of course, but also from each other. Lots of people sitting in the pews week after week ponder the offerings put before us in the readings and the liturgy, and often have thoughts about them worth sharing. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, in law, medicine, science, music, arts, sociology, history – and, of course, many of them also read widely in theology. Given the opportunity, some are willing to share their ideas with the congregation.


To encourage that, we have begun offering a series of five-minute theological think-pieces, as regular contributions to the weekly pew sheets. The series started with a group of discussion ideas on the theology of creation from a scientist. Later items came from parishioners sharing other view points from their different experiences of life and faith as lawyers, linguists, administrators, soldiers and mothers.


In this endeavour we are following in the footsteps of the tangata whenua of the Waikato, who for centuries assembled on this hill to learn about and share the wisdom of their ancestors. Since then, people of other cultures have travelled to Aotearoa willing to share memories of the learning opportunities of other sacred places, ranging from the community assemblies of island peoples to the medieval cathedrals of Europe. The more we understand of each other’s experiences of faith in the real world, the more we can work together as members of the household of God.

  Kim King

Church Pew

Views from the Pews


God Talk Study Booklets

June 2024

2 June 2024 The poor are always with us

9 June 2024 Joshua 1:1-9

16 June 2024 Islam and Us

23 June 2024 Dr Michael Moseley

30 June 2024 St Peter's Weapon

May 2024

5 May 2024 The Resurrection appearances

12 May 2024 The mystery of the Ascension

19 May 2024 Pentecost

26 May 2024 Abba, Father

April 2024

7 April 2024 Mothers at the foot of the Cross

14 April 2024 No boundaries

21 April 2024 Words, words, words

28 April 2024 John 4:1-26 Revisited

March 2024

3 March 2024 God's Foolishness

10 March 2024 Medical Symbolism

17 March 2024 The symbol and the reality

24 March 2024 Heroism incarnate

31 March 2024 Easter Day

February 2024

4 February 2024 Can you be both Jew and Christian?

11 February 2024 The View from the Sanctuary

18 February 2024 The Bishop's Camera

25 February 2024 Songs for the Dark Times

January 2024

21 January 2024 - Outrageous Forgiveness

14 January 2024 - The Languages of God

7 January 2024 - A multilingual church

December 2023

3 December 2023 Mark 13:24-37 - Be Prepared

10 December 2023 Matt 3:1-12 - A voice in the wilderness

17 December 2023 John 1-6-8 & 19-28 - After John the Baptist

24 December 2023 Christmas Day Glory to Go in the Highest

31 December 2023 And Nation Shall Speak unto Nation

November 2023

5 November 2023 Faith and Reason

12 November 2023 Remembrance Sunday
19 November 2023 Soft Power

26 November 2023 Christ the King and Aotearoa Sunday

October 2023

1 October 2023 The Battle of Britain

8 October 2023 Blue Healers

15 October 2023 Would Jesus have been uplifted?

22 October 2023 Your brought streams out of the cliff

29 October 2023 A Suggested Toolbox for Christians During War

September 2023

3 September 2023 Forgiving our Enemies

10 September 2023 The initiation of the Passover

17 September 2023 Anglo Catholic Hui

24 September 2023 Anglo-Catholicism

August 2023

6 August 2023 Miracles Part 2

13 August 2023 Another set of miracles

20 August 2023 Another possible miracle

27 August 2023 What's in a name?

July 2023

2 July 2023 On Asking

9 July 2023 Sea Sunday

16 July 2023 Parable of Sower

23 July 2023 The Parable of the Weeds

30 July 2023 Parables of the Kingdom

June 2023

4 June 2023 Tongues of men and angels

11 June 2023 Let us now praise marglinalised men

18 June 2023 Good King George

25 June 2023 Miracles - Part 1

May 2023

28 May 2023 Whitsun

21 May 2023 Trees

14 May 2023 The King goes to Hamburg

7 May 2023 Please pray for our local hospital

April 2023

30 April 2023 A lamb's view of the Good Shepherd

23 April 2023 Clyclonic Hospitality

16 April 2023 Resurrection of the faithful

9 April 2023 Easter Mystery

2 April 2023 Palm Sunday


MARCH 2023

26.03.26 Creation Theology 

23.03.19 Restlessness

23.03.12 Forgiveness

23.03.05 Original Sin



23.02.26 A Lenten Challenge

23.02.19 Outward and visible signs

23.02.12 Pray for Sally Azar

23.02.05 Getting to know your neighbours


23.01.29 Presenting the Christ child in the Temple

23.01.22 Zebulun and Naphtali

23.01.15 Jesus, Lamb of God

23.01.08 The Magi

23.01.01 The Twelve Days of Christmas


22.12.18 Faith and the Y Chromosone

22.12.11 Faith of a Hermit Crab

22.12.04 Crab-life and a new life


22.11.06 Optimists and pessimists

22.11.13 Poems of remembrance

22.11.20 The Feast of Christ the King

22.11.27 Isaiah prophesies the decline of war


22.10.02 Loving your enemies

22.10.09 Time, Talents and Treasures

22.10.16 An Anglican King

22.10.23 The Church as a bicycle

22.10.30  St Paul warns of disinformation


22.09.04 Church Architecture

22.09.11 Church and Change

22.09.18 Leadership

22.09.25 Pottery



22.08.07 Translation of Liturgy into Maori

22.08.14 Martin Luther

22.08.21 Debate in Church

22.08.28 How pure is distilled water?


JULY 2022

22.07.10 The contribution of Church music and singing

22.07.17 The Samaritans

22.07.24 Crime and Punishment

22.07.31 Faith, Hope and ?


JUNE 2022

22.06.05 Variety

22.06.12 Americans come and go

22.06.19 Explaining Mysteries

22.06.26 Church and State

MAY 2022

22.05.08 Tales from New York

22.05.15 Theology and Life

22.05.22 And Herod and Pilate become friends

22.05.29 Doubters Welcome

APRIL 2022

22.04.03 Passion Sunday

22.04.17 Easter Day

MARCH 2022

22.03.06 Saying sorry Pacific style Lent 1

22.03.13 Brain surgeon in Eden Lent 2

22.03.20 The Annunciation

22.03.27 Unconditional forgiveness Lent 4


22.02.06 Waitangi Day

22.02.13 Beatitudes

22.02.20 Loving enemies

22.02.27 Hearing and Doing


22.01.02 The real St Nicholas

22.01.09 The 12 days

22.01.16 Epiphany

22.01.23 Conversion of Paul

22.01.30 Candlemas


21.12. 05 Advent 2

21.12. 12  Advent 3 Worship with animals

21.12.19. Advent 4

21.12.26. St Stephen


21.11.7 The Kingdom of God - 5 As Jesus taught it

21.11.14 Remembrance Sunday

21.11.21. The Feast of Christ the King

21.11.28 St John's Te Awamutu


21.10.3  Wisdom from animals

21.10.10 Kingdom of God - 2 Mystery and paradox

21.10.17 Kingdom of God - 3 Kingdom parables

21.10.24 Kingdom of God - 4  Task for today

21.10.31 Shadowlands


21.9.5  Carbon and Bread of Life

21.9.12 Public opinion

21.9.19 Human and animal nature

21.9.26 The Kingdom of God - History of the idea



21.8.1 Follow Me

21.8.8 Carts and Horses

21.8.15 A tribute to Mary

21.8.22 Who do you think you are

21.8.29 The Creeds

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JULY 2021

21.7.4  Sharing our faith

21.7.11 The Flying Angel Sea Sunday

21.7.18 The Bible as a Key

21.7.25 Evensong

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JUNE 2021

21.6.20 The 39 Articles Pt 1

21.6.27 The 39 Articles Pt 2

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MAY 2021

21.5.2 Witness of the women 3

21.5.9 Seeing and believing
21.5.16. Ascension

21.5.23 Why we name our festivals
21.5.30 Trinity 

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APRIL 2021

21.4.4 Living like a fish

21.4.11 The virus stole my Easter

21.4.18  A Tribute to Prince Philip

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MARCH 2021

21.3.7 Sea Chaplains

21.3.14 Biblical mothers

21.3.21 First and second things

21.3.28 Treasure in clay pots

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21.2.7 Is the Eucharist a sacrifice

21.2.14 Preaching from the book of nature

21.2.21 The Blessings of Gratitude

21.2.28  How Christ's teaching exceeds nature

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21.1.3 Origins of the Eucharist

21.1.10 Shape of the Liturgy Part 1

21.1.17 Shape of the Liturgy Part 2

21.1.24 Shape of the Liturgy Part 3

21.1.31 Liturgical Practices

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20.12.13 A translator's view on naming God in Māori

20.12.27 A translator's_view on the Māori Magnificat

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20.11.1. Statues

20.11.15. A translator's_view on finding the right words

20.11.22 A translator's_view on changes in meaning

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20.10.4. St Francis and the wolf of Gubbio

20.10.11 Charles Darwin

20.10.18 Christians and Patriotism

20.10.25 How do we respond to the environmental crisis

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20. 9.6  What was God doing at the beginning of time

20. 9.13 Does science undermine the Biblical theology of creation 

20. 9.20 The Wisdom of Solomon

20. 9.27 How things are and which things matter

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20. 8.30 Asking the right questions about Genesis One

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